I was brought up cleaning guns with Hoppe’s Number Nine. Although I learned to enjoy the smell, I never learned to like the solvent feel and the mess I generally made. For about the past 10 years I have been using water based solvents and primarily a common cleaner called Simple Green.
My ritual for cleaning my Glocks is to field strip, spray the parts with Simple Green, scrub with a toothbrush and use the nylon borebrush to the clean the barrel. Rinse off with very hot water and blow everything off with compressed air. The good news is that my hands are just as clean as my gun and since I do everything in the laundry tub there is no mess to clean up. If a bore, bolt or piston is particularly cruddy, I’ll soak it in Slip 2000’s 725 cleaner/degreaser for a couple of hours and then wash it off.
Using a few drops of Militec or Weaponshield on a Q-Tip, apply a thin layer wherever there is friction and you’ll be good to go. Total elapsed time for a Glock is about 10 minutes.
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