Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Concealed Pistols License

I have been teaching the CPL classes since early 2001, with over 2200 students so far. Normally there is little demand during the winter and I get to hibernate and spend more time on my other business - Financial Planning. But this winter has been different. I had one class in November and December, another last weekend, and one scheduled for next weekend. So why the renewed interest? It seems that people are worried about the election and want to lock in 5 years of their ability to carry concealed. The other reason is that we have had a couple of nasty crimes in our area that have spooked a lot of people. The other interesting thing is that I'm seeing a lot more "non-gun" people taking the class. In my last class not a single person owned a handgun - and that's a first for me. Three of the students had never even held a handgun before. I have actually found that these people are the easiest to train in that they don't have any bad habits to unlearn. The good news is that we now have about 160,000 CPL holders in Michigan and the number continues to grow.

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